On June 24, 2012 my 4-year-old son Jax passed away in a drowning accident. The first-born of my wife and I, Jax was our world. He is survived by myself, my wife and our now 2-year-old twins, Gray and Ellie. This site is about my life since that day. From grief recovery, marriage issues or thoughts of self-harm to playing with my twins, date nights with the wife or sipping scotch while watching baseball on a cool So Cal evening, this is my new life. I didn’t ask for it, but it’s what it is. It’s me, trying to smile through tears.
Thank you for inviting me here. I love all of you & am overwhelmed with your bravery & unselfishness in your sharing.
I am going to look forward to your essays about Jaxson. I feel connected to your family from a distance. These stories make the distance seem shorter. Also, it will remind me to pray for your family often. We will never forget Jaxson.
Thanks Weese and Cherrol. I really appreciate it.
Your stories are heartfelt and made me smile. I’m a past NICU nurse in that group, love KK, never met Jax , but his cute face comes to life in your stories. Pray for u guys everyday, remembering that sweet smile of your amazing son
keep writing Seth!
Thanks, Kim.
Blogging takes a lot of time. PLEASE keep it up. This first blog entry of yours made me want to cry… and when I read this About page, I really did want to cry! I am so glad you started it. There are sooo many people in pain out there (like myself) and I really believe it’ll be healing for them to know they’re not alone. And I think it’ll be healing for yourself to journal about it. Thanks for your openness.
Thanks, Anne.
Beautifully written Seth, thank you so much for sharing these thoughts & words with us. This honesty and openess brings comfort and healing to many. We pray for you and your entire family often and will always do so. I’m glad I can stay connected now more intimately through this blog. We loved your lil Jax and are thankful we knee him and that he “happened” in our lives too!!
Seth… I am amazed by your talent and vulnerability. Not only amazed but inspired. I was Jax Sunday School Teacher and was really beginning to know him better before the accident. I will always remember his great sense of humor and all the stories about his family (oh from the mouths of babes).
I love you and your family so much. Your mom is one of my dearest friends. I often suppress my emotions and disconnect from people but you have inspired me to allow myself to be vulnerable.
I have found it difficult to reach out at times but I want to thank you for reaching out to all of us. Thanks for your honesty and thanks for the smiles! Love you
Seth just heard about this site and what happened. God bless your courage for creating this. I read two lines before I teared up. I wish I could have met Jax. My heart hurts for you and your family. Many prayers are coming your way. Keep writing this as it is a gift to others.
What a beautiful Site.
I finally had the courage to go back through my blog posts and read people’s comments. Thank you for directing me here and sharing your story. I hope your Jax is showing my Sawyer around his new home. From one broken-hearted parent to another, I’m so sorry you know this pain.
shameful secret. It’s sfmheaul that Nicholas’s parents are using their sons medical issues as a storyline on a televison show, as a shield to soften the blow of their lies and ridiculous behaviour on the show and their lawsuit that is looming over their lives. It’s sfmheaul that his Mother is trying to pass herself off as an advocate when it’s obvious she is a mentally ill, alcoholic that abuses perscription pills. (I make my assumptions by watching Jax’s own actions on RHONJ so don’t try to sue SH). I have said this before but I will say it again, the most sfmheaul thing of all is letting Bravo dubb in Nicolas saying I love YouQc48221; to his Sister knowing he no longer said that. It’s disgusting and sfmheaul and I wish to God she would have kept it a secret because I seriously don’t see how tweeting about this non stop is helping her son or her family.