Happy 6th Birthday, Jax

Jax turns 6 today. We’re celebrating the same way we did last year. And the year before, his last birthday he shared with us. When he turned 4, my wife and I took him to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles to check out its fantastic dinosaur exhibit. The prehistoric lizards fascinated him. He knew all of their names. And I’m not just talking about the basic four or five. He knew the nerdy shit that no 4-year-old should know. Or would want to know. Or cared. So we took him there, because we knew he’d love it. And he did. And we left the twins with my mother-in-law, because we knew he’d feel loved, having us all to himself. And he did.


Jax also dug trains. After the museum we met our family at Ruby’s Diner in Orange. We sat on the back patio to watch the metro and freight trains roll by. He loved that, too.


So last year, as we celebrated his fifth birthday without him, we took the twins back to the museum. I held back tears as we shuffled the twins through exhibits. And I shed tears as our family sang happy birthday to him in the middle of Red Lobster, perhaps his favorite restaurant at the time of his death. After he completed his first year of preschool, he chose Red Lobster as the restaurant to celebrate.


Now he’s six. And it breaks my heart to say, but I don’t know what he’d be in to. Would it still be dinosaurs? I know he’d be in to super heroes still. It’d better be baseball. But what else? Would it be something I can’t even fathom?  So again, we decided to return to the dinosaurs. To relive one of his happiest days without him. And to spend this very sad day with our family, eating at his favorite place, and crying together.

I may have posted this before, but I’m doing it again. It’s the first post from my first blog. It illustrates Jax’s arrival was to us.

Sixteen weeks of joy, bliss and walking on cotton candy clouds crashed to a screeching halt. The Boobs called me at work after a check up with the obgyn. He couldn’t find a heart beat. He sent her to the hospital for an ultrasound which confirmed there wasn’t a heart beat. Our baby died. A couple of days later The Boobs underwent a D&C at a Los Angeles clinic. We elected for the sex to be determined and tests run to determine cause of death. It was a girl, but no dice on the cause of death. The clinic was kind enough to send us home with footprints of the fetus the doctor extracted while performing the procedure.

We cried a lot over the next few weeks. I mean, a whole lot. It was the summer, and I eventually ramped up by social calendar to get my mind off of things. The Boobs, however, dealt differently. There were nights where I’d find her crying on the floor of the bathroom. Our souls ached.

Eventually the fertility doc allowed us to start trying again. This process was like ripping open a healing wound, peeing inside of it and then punching it for good measure. Month after month our hopes of another pregnancy were dashed by an early period, too many produced eggs at once or cysts cock-blocking our chance for conception.

On my birthday, over one year from the time that our lost baby girl was conceived and one final attempt before in vitro would be thrust upon us, the goodoo magic worked again.Throughout the pregnancy our joy, bliss and sugar-plum thoughts were tempered by fear of losing another child. If it happened again, could we ever recover?

Nine months later, after 26 hours of labor, The Boobs popped out a healthy, beautiful…

“Holy crap it’s a boy,” I exclaimed a mere 1.2 seconds after the doctor tugged the little sucker out of my wife. We decided to be surprised on the sex of the baby. The Boobs, a nurse, said that for some reason, infertility leads to a girl more often than a boy. Being an odds guy, I was fully expecting a little chica. But it was a boy. There’s something hypermasculine about having your first-born be a boy. Maybe I’ve watched too many mafia movies.

Happy Birthday, Jax. My love for you knows no limits. My heart aches beyond comprehension. And my soul longs to be with you again.

Love you,



Jax turns 1.

Jax turns 1.

For his second birthday, we themed it Jax Bowl. That's why I'm wearing the referee shirt. My dad and my grandpa. Four generations.

For his second birthday, we themed it Jax Bowl. That’s why I’m wearing the referee shirt. My dad and my grandpa. Four generations.

Jax's third birthday.




Jaxson’s Last Halloween (PHOTOS)

Jax spent just about the entire month of October studying a costume catalogue we received in the mail. He’d ask me what certain costumes were. He’d skip some of the scarier ones. And he’d change his mind on his favorite almost daily.

Ghost Face and T-Rex were consistent favorites. But I think ultimately, had it been his choice, he would’ve chosen a super hero costume. Earlier in October, his preschool held a fall/harvest festival. He won a costume in a cake-walk type of game, and chose a Fantastic Four outfit. He wore that ridiculous looking thing everyday. The only time he was able to leave the house with it on was on Halloween day.

As it was the first Halloween with the twins, we wanted to dress as a family in a theme. And since Jax was so awesome, he agreed to our theme if he could also wear his Fantastic Four outfit. We decided on a farm theme, which he got in to, and we figured starting the next year Jax would start wearing the costumes he wanted. We had lots of Halloweens left, right?

Thanks to a dear friend’s frantic hunting, we dressed Jax in an Iron Man costume to be cremated. We added an accessory he would’ve loved, but I can’t remember what it was. I just know it’s what he would’ve wanted. And it kills me that  he wasn’t able to be that super hero for Halloween.

On to the pictures. Oh, and Moo made another appearance as a pumpkin.





The Fantastic Four costume.

The Fantastic Four costume.

Farmer Jax.

Farmer Jax.

He loved handing out candy, but was wisely cautious.

He loved handing out candy, but was wisely cautious.


So happy about his candy.

So happy about his candy.

Pajamas on Halloween night.

Pajamas on Halloween night.

This was the first year Jax really got into candy. A few days after Halloween, on a quiet Saturday as the twins napped, I came out of the office to find Jax wasn’t in his room napping anymore. Around this time we had trouble having him nap, and he usually played in his room for 30 minutes before coming out, against our instructions. I walked in the living room and he wasn’t there. I went into the front room and found a trail of blue pixie dust up on to the ottoman, his back to me hunched over, eating the sugar straw.

And that, folks, is what happens when an oppressed kid finds freedom. They become junkies.

Happy Halloween, everyone. Enjoy tonight.

Jaxson’s Third Halloween (PHOTOS)

Jax was full of smiles for his third Halloween as he sported his great white shark costume. He was fascinated with sharks and marine life. This was about six months before our trip to the Long Beach Aquarium.

I don’t remember if it was me or my wife, but one of us brilliantly thought to throw some severed fingers in his pumpkin for the night. You know, to add to the costume.

Moo, the stuffed animal cow, was his best friend. Jax wanted him to dress up too, so my wife bought him a pumpkin costume designed for dogs. It fit pretty well. Jax was nervous about trick-or-treating, but having Moo by his side gave him the courage to do it.

I miss that smile.

I miss that smile.

Dad with the photo bomb.

Dad with the photo bomb.

And of course there's gore.

And of course there’s gore.

Gotta pee?

Gotta pee?

Moo in his pumpkin outfit.

Moo in his pumpkin outfit.

Happy times.

Happy times.

And Dad's drinking again.

And Dad’s drinking again.


Jaxson’s Second Halloween (PHOTOS)

I believe this tiger outfit also came from Old Navy, which has become our go-to shopping place for toddler Halloween costumes. I don’t remember why, but we picked a tiger. To my surprise, my wife thought to add some edge to the costume. She bought a couple of stuffed zebras, slit one’s throat for a limp head effect and added a red substance at the neck. Now, Jax had a freshly killed zebra accessory. I was so proud of her.

Jax LOVED stuffed animals. He got to play with the healthy zebra, and the one soaked in blood threw him off.

I wasn’t stuck on the east coast for five weeks during this Halloween. So you can find my fuzzy face in the pics below.

Jax seemed to have this face all night. I don't think he enjoyed being in the costume.

Jax seemed to have this face all night. I don’t think he enjoyed being in the costume.



Again, that not-so-happy face.

Again, that not-so-happy face.



Our house.

Our house.

Showing off the kill.

Showing off the kill.



We still prohibited candy at this point. So for all he knew this was a bowl of nails.

We still prohibited candy at this point. So for all he knew this was a bowl of nails.




Jaxson’s First Halloween (PHOTOS)

But first, some site stuff. My friend Ian and I are trekking out to Universal Studios after work for Halloween Horror Nights. I will be posting live on Instagram (sethtearz) and Twitter @sethtearz tonight (NO FACEBOOK!), so follow me to join along in the fright fest.


As the days of the calendar rapidly fall off of October, I figured a fun way to count down to Halloween would be to post Jax’s costumes, in order, from his first Halloween. So here we go.

First Halloween

Two weeks before Jax’s first Halloween I was shipped off to Hopkinton, MA for five weeks of training at my new job at a mega insurance company. He just turned 9 months. It crushed me to miss his first Halloween. My wife sent me photos and updated me about the severe fires just down the freeway from our house. It was bad enough that she took photos of our possessions in our house for insurance purposes, should our house burn down. Fortunately it didn’t get any closer than that.

But it was an unusually hot Halloween. While I was partying in downtown Salem, MA in 45 degree weather, my wife and family were sweating it off on a 85 degree night with smells of a bonfire.

We picked out Jax’s furry first costume at Old Navy, and never imagined it’d be as hot as it was. Our criteria was cute and warm. So he was a skunk.

Jax skunking it up at our coffee table.

Jax skunking it up at our coffee table.


"Candy? Really? F you, Mom. I want PUFFS!"

“Candy? Really? F you, Mom. I want PUFFS!”

"Look at all this colorful stuff my parents won't let me eat until I'm 3. Jerks."

“Look at all this colorful stuff my parents won’t let me eat until I’m 3. Jerks.”

Next week I’ll post pics of his second Halloween.

Life is Busy – CHOC Walk This Sunday


I’m at that point in life, which everyone hits, and hopefully not for an extended period, that life is just too busy. A lot of it has to do with the CHOC Walk coming up this Sunday.

I tried writing a post entitled Why We Support CHOC to explain the importance giving back in Jax’s honor is to us. It started like this:

Jaxson died at 9:26 p.m. at Children’s Hospital of Orange County on June 24, 2012. He wasn’t born a preemie or cured for cancer at the hospital, much like many of the participants for Sunday’s CHOC Walk 2013. For about three hours, the hospital staff did everything they could to save our boy. But it was after he left us that the CHOC staff’s grace, compassion and solace left an overwhelming mark on my wife and I. We lost our boy, but it was if they lost him with us.


The rest of it is deeply intimate and I decided against posting it. I tried to figure out a way to make it less intimate, but to me, it loses the impact. Just know that for us, it’s a very meaningful cause that honors Jax’s very special spirit.

At the time of this post, team Iron Jax has raised $7,314. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that has donated, raised money and is walking with us on Sunday. Giving lasts until 10/31, so you still have time to donate if you wish. 

Last night my wife and I were going to pick up the wristbands and t-shirts for our team at CHOC’s office building. Since people in southern California lose their minds on the first rain of the season, the 91 freeway westbound turned into a giant parking lot. It took her 45 minutes to drive two exits on the freeway, sit in traffic, turn around, get some drive thru and head home. With the twins in the car. Yayyyyyyyyyyy her. Awful, huh?

I was going to meet her at my parents. Instead, my mom and I went down to the office to deal with the money and pick everything up. By the time I got home the twins had just finished their milk and were going to bed. I helped my wife sort the CHOC t-shirts, attach safety pins to the capes for the Iron Jax shirts and create some more fundraising goodies.

Between my new commute, the new job, CHOC Walk and everything, I feel like I don’t have time to get to the blog. I have ideas, but either no energy or no convenient windows to post. So bare with me. And I think we are about 50 hours behind on television shows on our DVR.

For those walking on SUNDAY…

You can pick up the wristbands, shirts and capes Friday night at my parent’s house starting at 5 p.m. The twins will be there and we’ll have light refreshments, so feel free to stay and visit. If you need an address or my cell phone number, email me at seth@smilingthroughtearz.com or hit me up on Facebook and I’ll get back to you quickly.

On Sunday, we’re meeting at the lockers at the left in front of the Disneyland entrance. It’s the same place we met last year. The even starts at 6:15, we’re meeting at 6, but I urge everyone to try to be there earlier. Traffic is going to succcccccckkkkkkkkkkk.

Thanks again to EVERYONE. We love you all, and we feel your love in return. And it means so much to us.

It’s October, bittttccchhhheeessss


It’s October, my favorite month. I don’t care what yours is. October is the best.

It’s finally starting to cool off in southern California, except for the week that the Santa Ana winds hit and half the region becomes a giant barbecue. The air feels more crisp. Sure, you people up in the northwest, east coast and Midwest can laugh. But the slightest chill to the air means crisp out here. AND IT’S FANTASTIC. The leaves turn from green to brown; it’s beautiful.

Football is well into its seasons (college, NFL). Our favorite television shows have returned to hopefully not start sucking. Homeland returned this weekend with LOTS AND LOTS of talking. We finally get to find out how Ted met his children’s mother, Parenthood is back and I have no recollection of how last season ended. The mom doesn’t have cancer anymore, right? RIGHT??? The Walking Dead and American Horror Story start back up. Great, two MORE hours of trying to cram in TV that my wife doesn’t want to watch with me. My DVR will want a raise.

But there are two main reasons why October owns my heart.


The older I’ve gotten, the more Halloween romanticizes me. As a kid, I don’t remember caring a whole lot about Halloween. I mean, sure I dressed up and trick-or-treated, and it was fun, but it came and went and that was it. Now, I find everything about the holiday enchanting. Black and orange are like the best color combination possible, right? Throw in some purple and holy crap why use any other color combos at all. Candles, ominous trees, fog, tombstones. Spooky is sexy.

(I love that commercial. This was from 2012. It’s a play-on of the Knott’s commercial for the regular park.)

At 14-years-old, a freshman at El Modena High School, I first went to Knott’s Scary Farm. That began an annual tradition of 12 consecutive trips to the fright farm. Until finally no one wanted to go with me. This year I’m going to Universal Halloween Horror Nights for the second time. Last year’s The Walking Dead tram ride blew my f’ing mind. AND IT’S BACK!


The week after Universal we’re taking the kids to Mickey’s Halloween Party. Two years ago we took Jax, then 3, and the infant twins. Jax was in heaven. And so was I. Fog oozes off the Rivers of America. Halloween music blasts from party spots. The villains are out, cruising around. And the haunted mansion is transformed into The Nightmare Before Christmas ride. I could sit outside the mansion, illuminated by candles and jack-o-lanterns, for hours. I feel warm and fuzzy gazing at the beauty.



I’ve seriously considered a cemetery scene for a tattoo. That’s how much I like the atmosphere. I’d get it along my rib cage. Which is really just blubber, and why I haven’t done it. It’d be like inking a water bed. Anyway, the image in my head, which I can’t describe, is black and white. A creepy willow tree. Crosses and unmarked tombstones, to be filled in later. But three marked tombstones – Presley, Jax and Addison. Fucking morbid, huh?

Baseball Postseason

Ever since I was 9, when I started Little League, fell in love with Wally Joyner and the Angels and memorized The Natural, I’ve been obsessed with baseball. To put it lightly. I’m a baseball fan first, an Angels fan second.


October 1 marks the beginning of postseason baseball. If the World Series goes a full seven games, it’ll end on the 31st. So pretty much, the entire month is postseason baseball. Every game matters. The intensity is ramped up. The pressure boils. My wife actually pays attention, it’s that captivating.

The New York Yankees aren’t in it this year. So that’s a bonus. I’ll be rooting for a first-round exit for the Boston Red Sox. And I’ll enjoy watching my friends and family live and die by each Dodgers game.

But all of it makes me miss Jax even more. I want to watch the Dodgers and Braves with the the lights out in our house, candles lit, fake jack-o-lantern glowing in the kitchen, my right arm wrapped around his shoulders and his head resting against my side. I want to watch his excitement after a collision at home plate or diving catch. I want him to be disappointed when I put him to bed in the 7th inning of a 4-3 game, only to tell him in detail how it ended the next day.

I want him to beg me to watch Scream. I want to watch him flip through the Halloween costume catalog as he flops between five different costume ideas. I want to carve a pumpkin with him. I want him to help execute my weekly plans to scare Gray. I really, really want to take him to Mickey’s Halloween Party again.


October would’ve been Jax’s favorite month, too. I just know it.